Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Snippets

Here are only a few snippets of the various Christmas parties and family celebrations I've gone to within the past two weeks. Even though this is merely a glimpse into the madness and travel that happens every year, I don't want to forget it...God has just been stunning me with all the small details or giant bursts of His blessings. I always forget His gifts and grace in the hard times. It'll be right to have these things as testaments, small ebenezers to the good things He has done. Let alone, I simply can't wrap my mind around the fact that He would have sent His Son in the first place. God became man for us! Suffered with us! So that we can be with Him forever! THAT deserves a loud amen :) I hope your Christmas was wonderful, and that it brought to your mind God's goodness. If it was not that great, please know that this is a moment where He wants to draw you close to Him. We don't need fancy lights and presents to experience His love for us.

Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free.
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s Strength and Consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear Desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a child and yet a King.
Born to reign in us forever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all sufficient merit,
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Today, the bloodshed of innocents sent shock waves throughout the country. 20 children. 7 adults. All lives created in the image of God. I was at work, watching the scene unfold for hours on a tv in the corner of the room. My heart would flow from anger, hurt, shock, sadness, confusion, to then more shock. Didn't yours?

And it left the question ringing in my ears: What is wrong with people?

We no longer value the worth and dignity of human life. As a society, we have chucked it out the door. Yes, few people go out and murder children. But so many turn a blind, calloused eye to (or participate in) sex trafficking. So many turn a blind, calloused eye to gang and drug violence. So many turn a blind, calloused eye to domestic abuse. So many turn a blind, calloused eye to orphans and widows and the oppressed.

This past summer, hundreds of people died from gang and drug violence in the city of Chicago. In fact, in only one week, 60 people were murdered. But no national news coverage was to be found. No mourning or recognition of the fact that our city was dying all around us. My church congregation literally wept as we begged Jesus to renew this Earth.

Whether it is children slaughtered with non-stop news coverage or the poor being murdered and forgotten, we still must ask ourselves: What is wrong with people?

No gun control laws will fix it. No security measures being raised will fix it. No ranting and raving on facebook will fix it. No political movements will fix it. Because all of those things are not permanent solutions. All of those things are just scratching the surface level, not digging in to discover the heart of the issue. There continues to be gaps in the system. There continues to be pain and suffering. Evil creeps back in.

The thing that is truly wrong that needs to be fixed? US. We are sinful human beings. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, all of humanity are sinners. We are depraved. We will continue to screw up and destroy the beautiful things God has given us. There will continue to be murderers, rapists, the greedy, oppressors.

BUT it will not always be this way. God's Son came to Earth, died for our filthy state of sin, and was resurrected and returned to heaven. This was all so that we might believe in Him, have our sins wiped away, and be able to be with our Father, Son, and Spirit in heaven for eternity.

God does not intend for the evil of this world to continue. He is going to vanquish evil. He is going to come and dwell with us for eternity. The gift of heaven is God. We will get to live with Him for eternity. We can't even imagine the sweet beauty that it will be since it will be so incomparable to this fallen Earth. The children who were slain today are in the arms of Jesus, having every tear wiped away. They are in the perfect love of their perfect Father. Do not lose hope. This world is not the way it's supposed to be; nor is it the way it will be forever. God is going to dwell with us and make everything new.

So what's wrong with us? Everything. What's wrong with God? Nothing.

What great love He has for us. He yearns for us who are imperfect to become His sons and daughters by believing in Jesus. He longs to bring us back to Himself. He bled so that we might live in perfect peace with Him and one another forever.

God is the permanent solution.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea no longer existed. I also saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look! God’s dwelling is with humanity, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will no longer exist; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away. Revelation 21:1-4.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Music Mania

There's been a lot of music opportunities happening this past month. Levi and I got to record one of our songs in a really nice recording studio. Then a few weeks later I was able to perform at a silent auction fundraising for a documentary about Christianity in Europe. All in all, it's just been reminding me how much I adore getting to share music with people. Performing is just pure joy. I could do it forever and be more happy every time.

The beautiful paintings are all done by my amazingly gifted friend and fellow barista, Kylee. She brings God's Word to life in truly stunning artwork.

Her rendition of David's son, Absalom, after he set fire to Jerusalem's fields
What a heartbreaking sight to see the anger and sadness over what Absalom did
Her rendition of David
This week, find time to use whatever gifts God's given you :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holidays and Sushi

Happy December 1st! Two weekends ago, Chicago had our annual lighting up Michigan Ave parade. The city quickly turned into the first glimpse of a winter wonderland. Pre-January winter is one of the most beautiful seasons for this city. It's covered in lights, garlands, wreaths, greenery, punching reds, and luminescent whites. The dreary darkness that rolls around by 4:30pm has now been transformed into a soft glow that seems to illuminate the whole city. I can't wait until that light, fluffy December snow arrives. We had a little taste of snow a few weeks ago--that was such a teaser! All this Christmas spirit makes me crave drinking cinnamon eggnog and peppermint cocoa, wearing wool mittens and scarves, and having rosy cheeks from smiling in the cold.

Furthermore, I got to spend some time with my roommate on a much needed sushi date. I love this girl! She is always a source of calm and steadiness when I'm caught up in stress and worry. We both have a deep love for Asian cooking, especially Japanese and Thai. Our little date turned into an all out sushi feast! Trust me, only a few yet uneaten platters made it into the pictures :) All in all it was such a nice beginning to the holiday season. A fun meal with one of my best friends and then a romantic walk through the twinkling city with my man, Levi.

Not too shabby a start, dear holidays. Have you caught the Christmas spirit yet?

Megan and I got to catch the parade floats getting ready
Giant hot dog costumes?....why not!
She's so lovely
My favorite: rainbow roll
Nom nom nom nom
Salmon nigiri....aka sushi heaven
Happy hour at RA
Christmas decor at Tiffany's
Christmas colored nails and Ghirardelli peppermint chocolate
Enjoy this month! Before it passes by too quickly.