Saturday, November 24, 2012

Giving Thanks

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! I felt so thankful not only to see so much family, but also just to have a relaxing break. For five whole days--which by college standards is practically a vacation--Levi and I got to laugh, eat, and rest. Luckily, we also escaped any black Friday chaos. My grandma, me, and some cousins went shopping late in the afternoon and breezily went through the mall while everyone else was going nuts. It is ironic that the day after giving thanks for what we already have, we run down people to get more stuff stuff stuff. Not for me haha! Let's continuously be thankful every single day for the blessings God's generously and freely given.

Lake Winona, Wisconsin

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Woman's Voice

Women have a voice. Women have a soul and spirit. Women have intellect. Women have gifts.

Women are NOT just physical bodies.

It has been the sad reality throughout history, that both the outside world and some in the church have viewed women's worth solely for their bodies. In the world, a woman is told that her value lay in her sexuality. Her body is used as an object for pleasure and is then discarded. In the church, a woman is often told that her value lay in her purity or in her pregnancy. Her body is used as an object for bearing children and that is all she is really good for. Or for younger women, purity and abstinence are the only things that are ever if those things alone suddenly make you a godly woman. There is no talk of a woman's intellect, of her soul, of her relationship and knowledge of her Creator as the things which define whether or not she is godly.

Both tendencies have an obsession with the exterior. Both extremes have little to do with what a woman's internal capabilities are. Both views belittle women down to their physical casing alone, and strip them of their dignity. May I be so bold as to state here, that these views have nothing to do with what being a woman is really about?

Women were not created to be bodies alone, but instead to be active souls and minds doing powerful work for God.

It is time that young girls are taught that first and foremost they are a follower of Christ. They need to know theology, to know God's word deeply, and to hold fast to His love for them. Knowing this, they will not seek that redemption in a man and will not go around being used as a sexual pawn. It is time that young women are taught that they were created for something even greater than motherhood and marriage. Yes, God is going to use those things to shape many women and to be their ministry. Marriage is, after all, a picture of the gospel. But it is not their sole purpose in life. Their purpose is to serve the King of Kings. Their purpose is to preach and prophesy and declare His name (Acts 2, people). Young motherhood is SUCH a short time in the grand scheme of things in a woman's life. It is time that older women are encouraged to be leaders and to use their voice. They should be encouraged to display what it means to have a spirit that is calm and resting in God rather than being frantic and fearful. Older women exhibit how gossip and a loose tongue are childish--rather than being the chatty gossips themselves. God has filled them with wisdom and understanding, and it is simply not Biblical to keep them silent.

The kingdom of God is topsy-turvy. The people which the world most degrades, puts down, belittles, and strips of dignity are the people which God often selects to do mighty works in His name. Paul explains to us in Corinthians that the weaker and more trampled upon parts of the body of Christ are the parts who need to be uplifted and honored by the other parts of the body. Now is the time for both men and women to take a stand by affirming women's gifts and voices. By letting God speak and work through ALL members of the church that are equally deposited with the power of the Holy Spirit. By encouraging all men and women's souls and minds and spirits to be boldly pointing towards Jesus.

Now is the time to let no woman's worth be defined by her body--both inside and outside the church. Will you take that stand?

Strong yet feminine outfit for this post? A blazer and lipstick :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DIY Color Blocking

Color blocking sweaters, cardigans, blouses, dresses, skirts, flats, necklaces! ALL these things can be found from suburban department stores to the runway. Don't get me wrong, I think it's an adorable and funky trend...especially when colors from opposite ends of the color spectrum are put together. For example: black, brown, and red OR grey, green, and yellow. However, because color blocking is so popular right now, even a simple t-shirt with it can be ridiculously overpriced. So, want to get in on the trend without having to fork out major bucks? Do it yourself!

Pair shirts of varying lengths together with a sweater or jacket. Keep everything clean, crisp, lined, and solid blocks of differing colors. You don't have to spend a dime, my friends :) Also, thrift stores are great places to find inexpensive color blocking pieces--a lot of vintage/mod clothes use this technique. Have fun with it! If you're feeling adventurous, incorporate colored tights into the color blocking.

Cardigan and jeans: Forever XXI, Owl necklace: Claire's
Cropped shirt: H & M, Boots: vintage
It's pea-coat weather!

My kissable photographer :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

JOE'S Cafe: Part One

JOE'S Cafe is the amazing coffee shop where I have the privilege to work. This cafe is entirely unique in that, not only does it provide a third wave-esque skilled service, but also is the place where we baristas have our ministry. JOE'S creates an excellent product, presented with the utmost care; however, more importantly, this place has a heart for people. Coffee is used as a conduit for something far

Ah yes, we are part of the ever elusive and undefined Christian coffee culture. Coffee can be used for such great good; yet, can be so poorly done. Sometimes believers turn into snobs once they become baristas. Church fellowship can deteriorate down to nothing more than gossipy chatter and a good tasting drink. So where is the line? Where does Christ intermingle with coffee? Can He even restore the coffee culture back to Himself?

I believe coffee is one of the greatest conduits we currently have to 1) proclaim the name of Christ to people who otherwise might never hear it and 2) develop otherwise difficult to establish relationships within the body of Christ. In agreement with this vision is JOE'S head manager, Tyler. He has far more knowledge on the subject than I--not to mention a witty, insightful, and thought provoking vision for the church and coffee culture. So please relax, have some coffee or tea yourself, and rest while reading this interview with him...

Q: How does the coffee culture/atmosphere interact with being a believer?
Well, it is multi-leveled. Coffee is more than a beverage--it is an experience, a culture, a relational activity. Having a cup of coffee can naturally disarm people because it is non-threatening. Asking someone to a cup of coffee opens doors to discussing deeper matters. It's hard to build relationships with some of the members of the youth group I work with. But one week I asked one of the guys to sit down and share a French press with me before church...that opened so many doors and great conversations.

Q: What are some of the negatives you see in coffee culture that should be restored back to God?
The classic barista snob sees knowledge, skill, and community as exclusive. We are trying to restore that relationship and the coffee experience back to God. So we still elevate our skill and knowledge BUT we share that with others by inviting them into it.

Q: So then, what is your take on churches having coffee shops in them--or always serving coffee to members?
If done right, it can break down so many barriers and be condusive to building strong relationships. However, it can also be done really poorly when it's done for the sake of the coffee drink--not the people. 

Q: What is your favorite drink?
Straight cortado!

Q: How old were you when you had your first cup of coffee?
I was 15 years old, during our yearly family vacation to Croatia [*note: he grew up in the Czech Republic]. For years and years we went camping with several families. Every morning, the parents would get up and spend time talking and sitting around drinking cup after cup of coffee. So I decided I was old enough to partake in the morning ritual! But I didn't really pick it up as a habit until working at JOE'S in college.

Q: Best coffee you have ever had in your life?...and you will be betraying JOE'S if you say otherwise! [just kidding]
Oh no haha! Well, as for the best specialty drink, the "Ipsento" at Ipsento off the blueline. It's a honey, coconut milk, cayenne pepper latte...aka GOOD. And the best cup of coffee was on a Chemex my lovely wife gave me as a gift. I made a single origen Guatemala from Metropolis.

Q: In summary of all this, what is your ideal dream, your vision for coffee and Christians?
Well, I don't want Christians to use coffee as a fad--just a cool thing. That totally misses the point. My vision would be for Christians to use coffee to create relationships, edify the church body, and evangelize to many communities. So it comes down to this: us having a right philosophy of ministry, and then plugging coffee into that. Coffee isn't the point. This is not all for coffee's sake. It's for the sake of Christ.

Stay tuned for JOE'S Cafe: Part Two coming soon! This will feature some more details on the various splendid drinks we make, and show the step by step process of latte art.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday Senses

Seeing: a slightly gloomy, drizzly day with very very few people outside

Smelling: Palmer's Cocoa Butter that I just slathered all over my dry, pre-winter skin--it's seriously a magical lotion whether you're in a dry, cold climate or not

Tasting: Heine Brothers coffee, Mocha Java blend

Hearing: Laura Marling and Brooke Fraser pandora playlist

Feeling: so so enjoying this little sliver of home with this delicious coffee!

Loving: getting to spend the day with Levi...even if it will be filled with endless hours of homework

Reading: "Systematic Theology: an introduction to Biblical doctrine" by Wayne Grudem

Praying: 1) to rely on God's strength alone instead of myself or anyone else 2) peace for them as my Dad and his fiancee sell her house and soon get married 3) for gospel choir to get the chance to go on an amazing ministry opportunity 4) peace after an absolutely insane, stressful, never ending two weeks

Song of the Week: "Restless" by Audrey Assad

Verse of the Week: Psalm 73:23-26 (c'mon, read it people!)
 This idea, typically called Friday Senses, is thanks to the blogs Dear Family and Kalanag

When it is most gloomy outside, I love to wear anything bright or floral
Especially with sweet fluttery collars
Shirt: thrifted, Shoes: Candie's, Jeans and Cardigan: XXI
Delicate looks just brighten up any rainy day :)
"Bicycle rights!!"

But, seriously, he's such a stud
Latest snack addiction...don't judge me!