Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Autumn Craft

I am a huge fan of utilizing all the good things God has given us in the natural world--especially when it comes to gift giving. At Christmas time, I would pick some homemade jam or salsa given in a cute little mason jar ANY day over a gift card or jewelry. Gifts are so beautifully meaningful when they have been handmade and labored over for you specifically. Not to mention, it's always a plus when this broke gal can give a sweet gift without having to spend a dime!

Therefore, I introduce to you: leaf-o-grams...also known as love notes on leaves.

Little notes are so romantic and endearing...so why not use nature's wonders instead of having to buy pretty stationary? I found a nice patch of untouched, unsoiled leaves stuck to a bunch of moss. Viola! Instant autumn craft and heartfelt gift. Because that sweet man of mine has been dating me for thirteen months, I found thirteen fallen leaves and wrote thirteen reasons/things why I cherish and love him so. I can't wait to surprise him with this!

This week has been particularly hard for us with a ton of stress and difficulty trusting in God's faithfulness. Yet, Levi was such an encourager and stronghold for me the entire time. He kept pointing back to God's love and our Father's strength. I hope this little gift will bless him in return for all the care and goodness he showed me this week.

Find leaves ranging in color/size that are not floppy. Need some crunch to them!
Use a sharpie--NOT PEN--or else the leaves will tear
I also wrote a little note to explain the 13 leaves
Tie with burlap or twine (colored ribbon may detract from leaves' colors)

Finished product :)
Think of crafts you can take from either nature or resources you already have. Get creative and bless someone with that creativity!

I'm a sucker for initials...these will be going on me and my roommate's door

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Re-cap October

Time can pass so quickly... Time is rather like a very frank--but loving--friend who needs to get somewhere in a hurry meanwhile you're trying to stop them to ask them about their life. All they can say to you is, "Sorry, honey, I gotta go. You can catch up with me or stay behind." Sometimes I need to stop and take a moment of gathering, processing what has been happening around me in life. Sometimes I need to reflect on what God has been doing so that time doesn't run off, unreachable once again.

 Dear October (and a wee bit of the end of September): you are not going to get away from me this time.

Gospel Choir sign ups have never been more entertaining
My two dear friends' beautiful baby girl! She's a joy to my heart
Annual Voices of Praise chapel in the plaza (wish you could see the band on the side)

I'll always have this laughter and sweet moments with him :)
Work meetings dissolve into this at some point haha
Karaoke while visiting my sweet sister
My eggplant parmesan (corner), sauteed spinach, and bruschetta dinner
National Coffee Day at FILTER
One year anniversary
Chinatown exploring with these lovely ladies

Please enjoy remembering your own October! Take in the simple moments, and try not to let time slip by.

There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October. Nathaniel Hawthorne

All things on earth point home in old October; sailors to sea, travelers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken. Thomas Wolfe

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Senses

Seeing: beautiful fall leaves and crisp orange city skyline

Smelling: that dreamy fresh air that comes only with autumn (or spring)

Tasting: homemade chai tea from a mix I received as a gift

Hearing: students in the plaza outside laughing and taking in the beautiful night

Feeling: I wish that my best friend and main man could be here enjoying a walk with me instead of him being at work

Loving: this charming weather, can't you tell? Also, the small and simple moments of joy that come from being with the person I love

Reading: "Eat. Pray. Love" again...I love travel books

Praying: 1) for Levi and I to have courage and strength in the direction God is pointing us 2) to trust in His provision as our Father 3) for brothers and sisters in Afghanistan/Pakistan specifically who are being persecuted for their faith

Song of the Week: Brooke Fraser's "Something in the Water"

Verse of the Week: Jeremiah 1:17-19 (c'mon, read it people!)
This idea, typically called Friday Senses, is thanks to the blogs Dear Family and Kalanag

Cardigan: XXI
Shirt: H&M
Skirt: thrifted
Shoes: Born
The handsome man who surprised me with a brunch date
And his fancy new haircut!

Brunch at Elly's Pancake House...a place in which we never order pancakes haha
There is so much beauty in the city when you stop to look for it

This is actually a little garden inside a convent..those are some lucky nuns

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Restoration Redefined

I made her baked eggplant parmesan. French baguette with mozzarella and bruschetta. Sauteed spinach and tomatoes. Homemade banana bread.

I stocked her fridge shelves, her closet spaces, her pantry cupboards.

I listened to every frustration, every heartache, every tear bent word.

I slept by her side to ward off the dank cold and the creeping loneliness.

I didn't come to give answers. I didn't come to be a heroine.

I came for restoration.

Or rather: I came to display the Father's restoration...the only true restoration...the One with the greatest love and everlasting peace.

My dear sister went through a very difficult event last week, and that Wednesday night asked me to come back home for the weekend. Did I want to see her? YES. Did I want to comfort her? HECK YES. Was I willing to put my plans on hold to selflessly serve her? Hmm....well that's where God has to tell us yes, folks.

Restoration is not us "fixing" a person. It is coming to someone, being a representation of Jesus Himself, and out of love holistically meeting their needs. We are to repair walls. To restore streets. To answer the cry of the oppressed. Yet, this list isn't about "fixing"--that's far too temporary. Restoration is showing a soul the peace of God and, thus, the blessings of God.

It also happens that this past week my school celebrated Missions Conference carrying the theme "INCARNATE." The entire week was spent learning about various mission needs, studying under people who actively do ministry, praying in every tongue for every nation, and coming together to worship the God of the world (not just the U.S). In one session, this teacher who works in inner city Memphis said one of the most poignant things I've ever heard concerning life, incarnating Christ, being the church period:

"You DON'T need the American dream right now. The big house, luxurious yard, sweet job, fancy car....because you're going to have a mansion and treasures in heaven forever. So for the few years we have here, let us live in the dark places. Let us live in housing projects, in scary neighborhoods, in discomfort. Because our comfort will be in heaven, our rest in heaven--but on earth, let us suffer for Christ."

If I claim to believe in Jesus, I must live to restore things back to Him. I must live selflessly. And all these things should be manifested in both small actions and larger ways. Yeah, it's a hard pill to swallow and completely goes against my nature...but it's the truth.

Decorating project I finally completed! White walls just looked like an asylum.

This how you work with not being able to paint anything :)

Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did...Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 2:6 & 3:18.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

One Year

On October 1st, my man and I celebrated one year of love together. The day was spent doing both planned and unexpected things, getting dressed fancily for each other, relaxing in the sunshine, exploring the city, trying new places and old favorites, and me (almost) conquering a fear of unnatural heights. How much more magical can it get, folks? Well, the magic of relentless joy and unquenchable love just happens to be the sort of thing that can come about when two people pursue a love that's selfless and rooted in Christ--who's the epitome of selfless love.

I'm not perfect. Ooooh how far from that am I! But God gave me this insane, totally undeserved blessing by providing for me one of His sons who is so patient and eager to learn how to do that selfless love alongside me. Levi, you are simply the greatest man I know.

Brunch at Chicago Q

He got me an apron!! So cute


Burger Joint, his favorite
Navy Pier ferris wheel...aka contraption of fear of death...

There is no fear in love. Instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love. 1 John 4:18.